Welcome to our updated and redesigned Fatimid Foundation U.K. website.
We are a passionate team of 4 Trustees trying to doing big things but let’s face it we need your help in raising funds to improve and expand our work to provide free treatment to thousands of children suffering from blood disorders and provide quality blood banking and haematological services from its 10 centres throughout Pakistan.
Volunteering is about giving something back to the community and helping others, but it’s a great way to help yourself too.
We raise funds in the U.K. to provide free treatment to Mustahiq (deserving) children effected from blood disorders of thalassaemia and haemophilia and generate public awareness for the treatment and prevention of this disease. Thalassemia is a fairly expensive disease to treat. Since the patients often fall under the lower income group category, therefore, its treatment poses huge financial threats and psychological stress on them.